Explanation: The attempt to connect to the queue manager failed. This could be because the queue manager is incorrectly configured to allow a connection from this system, or the connection has been broken.
Response: Try the operation again. If the error persists, examine the problem determination information to see if any information has been recorded. To avoid this problem in Window 7 , make sure to open MQ explorer as "administrator" or login then by default you will the QM1 connected.
The generated password does not expire. Posted by Siva R Vaka. Anonymous March 4, at PM. Anonymous September 12, at AM. Anonymous January 6, at PM. MY company is not giving out any admin right to Windows user.
I was wondering if I can some how get the MQ explorer installed without admin right knowing that it is mostly Java and uses Java client connections or is there any MQ explorer equivalent that can be used on windows without any installation which normally requires admin right?
Posted: Fri Sep 11, pm Post subject:. Cheers, Paul. Posted: Sat Sep 12, pm Post subject:. But does it MO71 require MQ client to be installed first. MQ client installation requires Admin rights. My laptop has no IBM software installed yet. I was hoping that Java based solution will only require copying of Java files. Oh yes Sorry, I didn't realize that this machine didn't even have MQ on it.
It looks like you will have to go the VM route. Their IT policy is stopping legitimate work from being carried out that will hit their bottom line. Been there, faced the same problems as you and left less than 4 weeks after starting. If in doubt think and investigate before you ask silly questions. Posted: Mon Sep 14, am Post subject:. The IIB V9 tool kit can be installed with 'noadmin' option.
I believe that it uses Java client. I was hoping that something similar can be done for MQ explorer. If you installed IBM Integration Toolkit without root or administrator authority, switch to a user with root or administrator authority and run the following script file from the IBM Integration Toolkit home directory to complete the installation:.
Grand Master Joined: 25 Jun Posts: It's not entirely clear that MQ Explorer needs admin rights to install - except for the fact that Windows likes only admins to do installs. But I personally haven't checked the knowledge center or the install guide.
It's also just a set of eclipse tools, and is available as a standalone package that can be installed into any eclipse. Or, likely, merely copied from another machine that does have it installed.
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